Maud Niklas is a Swiss soprano from Lausanne who is about to start her Master at the Guildhall School of Music, where she completed her Undergraduate degree under the tutelage of David Pollard.
During her time at Guildhall, she took part in various stage projects. She played Miss Wordsworth and Harry in a production of Albert Herring in May 2022 directed by Linhee Robertson and John Ramster, and worked on the role of Mélisande for a vocal scenes project directed by Kelvin Lim and John Ramster in December 2022.
Her recent projects external to Guildhall include recitals in the Villa Margarita Music Festival in Barcelona (2022) and a music academy in Cratoule (South of France) (2022) where she performed with a string ensemble.
She discovered her fondness of singing on stage some years ago, at the Opera de Lausanne singing the role of the Third Boy in The Magic Flute (W.A. Mozart) under the baton of Diego Fasolis, and as part of the chorus in Amahl and the Night Visitors (G. C. Menotti) and in Hänsel und Gretel (E. Humperdinck).
She started singing at the Conservatoire de Lausanne, firstly with Stefanie Burkhard in 2014 and then with Delphine Gillot (dipRAM) in 2016. In addition, she holds a degree in cello (Certificat FEM in 2019 with distinction), and extensive experience in choir, chamber and orchestral practice.